July 5, 2023
Chairman Mike Rogers
Ranking Member Adam Smith
House Committee on Armed Services
2216 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Chairman Rogers and Ranking Member Smith,
The Alliance for Expanding America's Workforce (AEAW) strongly supports amendment 204 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Sponsored by Congressman Amodei and co-sponsored by Congresswoman Titus and Congressmen Soto, Hudson and Molinaro, amendment 204 would establish a one percent Department of Defense (DoD) contracting goal for the AbilityOne Program. This one percent goal has the potential to create more than 20,000 new job opportunities for people with disabilities, including veterans and wounded warriors.
AEAW is dedicated to expanding employment opportunities for people with disabilities by modernizing the federal government’s procurement process, direct hiring practices, and policies. Federal procurement is a powerful socio-economic tool that can maximize employment opportunities for people with disabilities and increase economic stability.
The AbilityOne Program is unique in its dedication to meeting an employment-based goal that substantially changes the typical competitive federal contracting model.
With nearly 400 nonprofits employing more than 36,000 people with disabilities across the country, the AbilityOne Program is a powerful and effective tool providing the federal government with excellent service and products produced by a workforce comprised of employees who are traditionally disadvantaged within the broader labor market.
With Congressional action, the AbilityOne Program can have an even greater impact on the lives of people with disabilities. Unlike other socio-economic procurement programs, the AbilityOne Program has no statutory contracting goal. We urge Congress to enact a one percent DoD contracting goal for the AbilityOne Program in this year’s NDAA.
The Department of Defense is the largest purchaser of products and services through the AbilityOne Program. Through the NDAA, Congress can establish a policy that will help to increase the availability of competitive integrated employment for people with disabilities across the country and greatly expand the number of people with disabilities working and becoming self-sufficient.
As members consider floor amendments being offered to the NDAA, we urge support for the bipartisan amendment led by Congressman Amodei to establish a one percent contracting goal for the AbilityOne Program.
Thank you,
CC: House Committee on Rules